What we did was we collected funds by giving 10 pesos per day so we can supply enough money for us to have a lockers and we also searched for furniture shop that offers Lockers for sale so we can find the most affordable lockers that can satisfy our need. We found a Wood lockers and it was cheap but has a high quality but the problem with it is the termites. These wooden lockers can be destroyed easily by the termites so we should polish it with anti-termite substance. But we will be needing additional money for that.
For the athletes, they are also asking for Gym Lockers because they said that they terribly need it for their extra shoes and uniforms. But we never had these things so we were really disappointed until now. Luckily, now that I am in college, I have my own locker.
Lockers are really needed in school. I hope that local government units can help school that needed this simple but useful storage.