McDonald's Delivery on your mobile phone!

Delivery made easy when Mcdo enables their delivery menu on personal computers and laptops nationwide but they made it very easy and handy now that their menu on your mobile phone! We are all aware that we can make a request when we call McDonald's phone number that is 8-MCDO or 8-6236. Now, you can use your mobile phone to access Mcdo's website for you to order anything. This is the procedure on how to use your mobile phone in McDonald's delivery.

In McDelivery website just follow these simple steps:

Step 1 - Click a menu category to browse McDonald's food products.

Step 2 - Drag your order to your food tray.

Step 3 - Check your ordered food and total.

Step 4 - After completing Delivery information, click "Ok, I'm Done"

Isn't it so easy? So what are you waiting for? Grab your cellphone now and make a fast Mcdo delivery!

1 comment:

  1. DAMMMMMMMMMMN. my group came up wid dis concept for our project. we tag it "UTECH Cashless Society" well
