Pete Wentz Incident (Photo and Videos)

I saw this tweet on facebook regarding the Pete Wentz incident. If you have a photo or video about this incident, you can post it on your twitter account then you can get 5000 dollars for your reward!


  1. What's the incident all about? Don't have any idea hehehe...

  2. have not seen or heard of this...

    well, everyone's seems caught up in the whirwind of activities, and it's understandable ;) (excuses haha!)

    ..but I am here dear to actually invite you to see me tag you on my signing off. hope to see you there...kindda missing your visits now ;)

  3. What particular incident about Pete Wentz should we write on our twitter accounts that could win us $5000 dollars? Should we also link it to this blog post?

  4. i agree with a big reward..
